Thursday, August 11, 2011

Would you call a person of my age and personality gifted?

Would you call me gifted if I said i was 12, and can touch type but does not like planning, can spell at a high grade level, but have bad handwriting, know alot about chemist information(I know about RNA, DNA, Protein, Acid, Glucose, different types of RNA, cryptoplast, ETC....) yet not check things much, yet i get distracted very easily. I can remember things very well yet I am verdisorganizeded, and don't talk much yet sometimes get depressed but usually get very tempted to speak out. I know Lua and basic syntax. (e.g functions, statements, and variables). And do maths at a better pace than most people, and finish GCSE IT before everybody else? Or would that cl me with some kind of disability? I'm just worried that I may have a disability, that is all.

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