Friday, August 12, 2011

Spiritually speaking: When will the name calling stop?

Racists existed before the word racism. Google the Waco horror - Jesse Washington to see what actual racism can 'achieve'. Jesus may offer love and forgiveness to the murderers of Jessie Washington - but how does that help Jessie - and his family. If you judge people by the colour of their skin then you are a racist. Expressing a negative view is about a person of colour is not racist - unless you word it to be. If you are not a racist then stand up for yourself - if you are you - you're not worth anyone's time. BTW, Obama is an idiot - but lets face it - he is black and any mistake he made would be judged more harshly because of his colour. Bush jr was a numpty, and messed up many times - America gave him another chance. Obama is not so bad, but, boy is he copping some heat - ask yourself - Why?

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